Monday, September 22, 2008

Kids activities

Today I spent the whole morning trying to find a sport to put my kids into. I was amazed at the prices different things cost. A 10 week session of tumbling was $160. Swim lessons were &135 for 7 weeks. Martial arts was $89 a month for 2 days a week.
I really want to get them involved in something...but man we simply cannot afford that kind of money right now.
I am really hating that we are stuck in this house that has no yard...and we cannot afford to get them involved in something.
Lord please help our house to sell so we can have a place for these kids to play!!!


Bergie said...

Hey. Darcy has Dylan in a city soccer league. It cost her $40.00 and he practices every Thursday and has a game every Saturday. He loves it. They play according to age and boys and girls play together. If I was you I would check into that. It may be too late for their fall schedule, but hockey is for winter here so it might be there to. If that doesn't work...have them try twiddeling their thumbs. They may not be outside, but it will keep them occupied for some time. :)

Robison5 said...

yeah I was thinking about soccer. Elena is not that interested though. Jesse is all for it. I will think of something!

Charlie McCoy said...

I know what you mean about it being expensive. That is why our boys aren't into anything extra like that, it's because we simply cannot afford the prices the people charge. I understand completely what you are saying. I'll pray for something to come your way. :)

Anonymous said...

ummm so I have a yard... kids that are about the same age as yours... toys... a neighborhood full of about 20 other kids... bring the rugrats over sometime... they can help my kids scrub the walls with their toothbrushes ;)

Robison5 said...

Your on Nicole....I will come toothbrushes in hand lol!