Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Well Halellujah!!

Just when I had given up on the house selling we get a call....they got their loan...we are closing on Thursday, and have to be out in 2 weeks!!
Lord help me be nice to my kids in all this chaos.....
And thanks for all those who prayed!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Moving stinks

So we are still sitting here with our house half packed....the deal is on hold, and not looking too good to go through.
The credit freeze is causing all the issues....stupid Freddie and Fannie!
I fear I may loose my mind if we do not get an answer soon. I dont really care what the answer is....I just need to know.

Friday, October 17, 2008

So dumb

I was talking with a person the other day about the upcoming election. This individual was African American, and a person who has always claimed to be pro-life. Through the course of the conversation it comes out that this person is voting for Obama....the reason...because he is black and this person wants to see a black man in the White House.

ARE YOU STINKIN' SERIOUS???.....that is the dumbest reason I have ever heard for choosing a president. Especially when you claim to be pro-life!!
So it is better to vote for a man who thinks it is ok to kill living children (google Obamas stance on the Born Alive Infant Protection Act) just because he is black....than to vote for someone who has somewhat of a moral backbone.

Personally if people vote in Obama just because he is black....they deserve the mess he is going to make of this country. And I may sneak into Mexico and demand free healthcare and free schooling for my kids :)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I have to say that I am a wee bit aggrivated. I feel like I am in limbo. I grew up Independant Fundamental Baptist, and like that is the denomination most in line with my beliefs. Here in lies the problem....the people I have come across lately that are also IFB have been the exact opposite of what I want to be associated with.
Here is an example. I was at the mall today...just walking getting some exercise and there in front of me a group of women. These women all dressed the same, ratty floor length jean skirts, long stringy hair past their behinds that was in desperate need of a cut to take of loads of split ends. They were bombarding people in the mall, interrupting conversations, not allowing people to pass them. All while asking the question if you died today would you go to heaven. I am all for witnessing. But not in a way that ticks people off!
They stopped me...I kindly told them that I was a Christian. The lady looked me up and down and asked are you sure?.... I told her that I accepted Jesus as my savior in 1985. She asked me what denomination I was. I told her that I grew up IFB....before I could even finish my sentence she interrupted me and told me that no decent IFB woman would be caught dead wearing capris.
I walked away before I punched that woman.
It is that kind of self righteous, Pharisaical attitude that makes me disgusted with the whole Independent Fundamental Baptist movement.
How is any of that Christ-like?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

weird prayer request

As most of you know I am in nursing school. I am in my last 2 semesters, and am loving it so far....well mostly.
I have this weird fear of vomit. All my classmates give me weird looks and ask me why I want to be a nurse.
I really have no desire to be a med-surg floor nurse. I want to be a midwife...and while I know labor patients puke....it is not the same!
So yes I am asking a weird prayer that I get over my fear because I still have 1.5 semesters on a med-surg unit before I am done, and I am tired of being paranoid over this issue.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thinking about stuff

I have been a member of Cafemom for awhile now. I really enjoy it and have made some great friends! It makes me think and I have grown in my faith.
One of the things that I have realized over the past year on Cafemom is that I want to teach my children not to have empty beliefs. I want them to search the scripture, and learn what the Bible truly has to say. I spent too long trying to live up to a standard set forth by men. It was not until I really sought out the scripture that I realized that God is not about a list of rules. He is about a relationship. He desires a relationship with us, and out of that relationship flows our desire to live holy lives.
I realized that I never want to be the kind of person that ask others to follows rules when their heart is not in it. I would rather have those that I mentor be truthful about their actions, then play the "good Baptist" game.
I am thankful for the friends I have made...and I am thankful for those that make me think, and challange me ;-)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


We are doing the dance of joy around here!! The couple that put an offer on our house was approved! Everything seems to be in place....and if all continues to go well we should be out of here in a month.

We are renting a home in Beach Park through the winter. If Mark still has a job when I am done with school we will buy the house and stay for a few years at least. If for some reason Abbott lays him off (which they have been doing alot of lately) we will most likely move out of state when I am done with school.

I will be so happy to finally have a place I can send the kiddos outside and tell them to PLAY!!!

I have been tagged

7 weird facts about me...
1. I hate the ocean it creeps me out to the point where I could pass out. Yet I love to swim!!

2. I act just like my siblings but look nothing like them

3. I am almost done with nursing school...yet have a HUGE fear of vomit. So far so good, I have not been puked on!

4. I love algebra....but HATE geometry

5. I hate hot weather

6. I have been playing piano for 23....but hate reading music. Let me improvise and I am happy!!

7. Most of my friends live in other states

Judy, Kelly, Charlie, Jennifer, Bergie, Nicole