Friday, January 23, 2009

This week has been very sad for me. I did not watch any of the Obama worship on TV. Instead I worked around my house trying to ignore the feeling of dread in the pit of my stomach.
I feel that the choices this country has made are going to cost us dearly.
We have chosen a leader that has no respect for human life. A leader that would take away a parents right to be informed before their child has a medical procedure (an abortion). A leader that would allow a child to be aborted clear up to the 9th month....when these children are completely able to live outside the womb.
WE have chosen a leader that will not be a friend of Israel....a choice that has never boded well for others.
Another thing that astounds me is how many of Christian have put aside their morals and jumped on the Obama bandwagon just because he promises to end the ecomomic crunch......
How sad is it that people put their pocketbook before the lives of the unborn!!!
Well that is it for now.