Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thinking about stuff

I have been a member of Cafemom for awhile now. I really enjoy it and have made some great friends! It makes me think and I have grown in my faith.
One of the things that I have realized over the past year on Cafemom is that I want to teach my children not to have empty beliefs. I want them to search the scripture, and learn what the Bible truly has to say. I spent too long trying to live up to a standard set forth by men. It was not until I really sought out the scripture that I realized that God is not about a list of rules. He is about a relationship. He desires a relationship with us, and out of that relationship flows our desire to live holy lives.
I realized that I never want to be the kind of person that ask others to follows rules when their heart is not in it. I would rather have those that I mentor be truthful about their actions, then play the "good Baptist" game.
I am thankful for the friends I have made...and I am thankful for those that make me think, and challange me ;-)


Bergie said...

Very nicely spoken, Jenn. I am so proud of how far you have come in your Christian walk. Keep trusting the Lord as you seek His will daily. Some days will seem like He is so far away, but He has promised that He will never leave you or forsake you. Hang onto that promise. Love miss you lots.

DaCatster said...

Jenn, the scariest thing for me was to go back to church and teach my children man worship instead of God worship/ I am glad I don't have that problem in my church. The Bible is the sole, SOUL authority. Men are still fallible. Thus what I teach must be Bible based, not man based.

God Bless