Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My daughter

Well I thought I better blog this now....because I may not feel this way tomorrow.
I am so proud of my daughter. She has come such a long way with her behavior in the past few months. Last year we were dealing with daily meltdowns and constant backtalk. I was thinking tonight that we have not had a meltdown in almost a week, and her attitude has improved so much.
We still have to deal with some issues....but overall she is becoming a child I enjoy being around....and believe me I could not honestly say that over a year ago.
I think being in school has helped tremendously! She is sooooo bright and she gets a thrill from excelling in school. She has been in school less than a half a year, with no preschool experience and is reading beyond her grade level. I am so proud of her.
Now if I could just get her and Jesse to quit bickering, and tattling I would have it made!!

1 comment:

Bergie said...

I'm proud of her, too. Please tell her so. Maybe this move has been good for her also. New beginnings and all. Just keep praising her when she does well and encouraging her when she isn't. She will be the young woman the Lord wants her to be.